Caregiving Resources

One of the biggest challenges we face in midlife is caring for an aging parent. It is quite often one of the most challenging of all life events. In the last ten years or so a myriad of support options has arisen to answer the cry of struggling adult children of aging parents. Here are just a few that I have found. Please add those that have helped you.

Aging Care - The community for caregiver
Aging with Grace - Elder care resources - Helping you help family and friends
National Alliance for Caregivers
Family Caregiving
The Daughter Trap
Aging In Place

Quote of the Day

Martha Beck's Books

Aging Abundantly Tote Bag

Books by Wayne Dyer

Books by Sarah Ban Breathnach

M. Scott Peck

Peck's insight will help even more travelers find their way as they learn to delay gratification, accept responsibility, embrace reality and maintain flexibility.