Friday, April 9, 2010

Finding a Smile


When I choose to sit quietly, take a deep breath and focus on the abundance and beauty that surrounds me I feel an inner smile slowly well up within me. Do you know that feeling? We have so much that is good in our much much love...if we simply take the time to notice it and allow it a place in our hearts. It we turn our attention to these things it can quickly fill the holes created by the hurt, pain, and loss of life's misfortunes. None of us is without pain. It is a matter of where we turn our attention. Tune into that place that is beyond pain.

Finding your smile may be as simple as gazing upon your sleeping dog or a cherished photo of a loved one. Take the time to really see them and dwell upon what you love about them...what brings you joy. Or study a beautiful peace of art and let it fill the the empty spaces...or the sound of singing birds. Quiet and stillness may be what you need to tune into your inner joy and allow it to rise to the surface...or a beautiful melody, voice or lyric. 

Our senses are there to reconnect us with our very own place of peace...a place that is ours and ours alone. It is in that place that we will find our smile...and our strength to face another day.

What does your inner smile look like?

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