Sunday, August 23, 2009


The sky is darkening. The thick summer air pulses with restless energy. A mower hums unaware of the roll of thunder in the distance. Clouds boil over head, quickly moving in and shutting out the light. The dog paces, agitated; participating in the unease that permeates everything.

I think about turning on a light. But I'm not anxious to break the spell. It seems as if it's up to nature to do that. Soon....the thick drops of rain begin to spill. The wind whips sheets of water down the street as I listen, stilled by the intensity, and wait.

The rumbling sky grows louder, as if shouting at the rain to move along more quickly...insistent, driving. The glistening foliage weighted down from summer's constant growth, and now this... the heaviness not to be relieved by the rain, only intensified.

We are all waiting for relief.

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